Foods That Terrify Me

Some foods still horrify me to even consider.  These go on this list.  Someday maybe they'll move to the "trying" list or maybe even the "love" list, but for now...

  • Mushrooms - This is one of my bf's favorite foods, and I'm sure that someday I start working on them.  I did have some once on a pizza, and they really weren't so bad.  However, they were also very dry on the pizza, and I think that helped.  They usually seem so slimy and weird.  I loath the way they smell when they are sauteed too.  Bleh.
  • Any kind of meat attached to a bone - If someone picks a piece of something off the bone and it is not covered in fat or other undesirable bits,  I might try it.  Please don't ask me to try to pick around bone and fat and nastiness on my own though.  The idea of it is enough to send me looking for a sick bag.  
  • Dark meat poultry - I don't know why! It just grosses me out.  I love white meat, but dark meat terrifies me.  
  • Shellfish 
  • Salmon - I have actually tried this once.  It was gross, and I've never braved it again. 

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